Masks by E.M. Prazeman

Masks by E. M. Prazeman Thanks to NetGalley for the review copy. When I first started Masks, I wondered if the author was trying to...

Go Mimis*

Who’s got two thumbs and thought it would be a good idea to stay awake all night reading? This dumb bitch. I am a wreck....

You Bra Crazy Fools

So I was reading this article written by a butch girl on her recent bra shopping experience, wherein she laments her paltry collection of only...

Pretty Women

Since we moved to Portland, we’ve felt it necessary to start watching Grimm again. After a two or more year break, most of the minor...

My Head Hurts

So this is all I have to give you tonight. Actually I had a really good day. I took off early to play video games...

The Power of Lowered Standards

If you want to get laid, or have a great day, the solution is the same: lower your fucking standards. The real problem with lowered...

Heat Wave

It was a bazillion degrees in Portland today. You ever get so hot your nose runs? I feel like my snot is melting. And I...

We Had A Better Day

The dog seems to be better today. There was very minimal shrieking, and most of that happened in the morning. She’s even starting to do...

We Had A Bad Day

Sunday Night Pepper went chasing after a neighborhood cat, flipped around on her harness, and immediately started shrieking in pain. She would act normally for...

Butt Stuff (SFW)

I didn’t know what to write about, and it’s almost 11. So I just google image searched the butt gifs. You’re welcome. (source)