When You’re Strange

It’s nearly one in the morning, I have work stuff to do pretty early tomorrow, so this is going to be quick. Today was Ben...

Sturdy Thirty

I am now 30 years old. I’m just surprised I didn’t suffer from birthday depression, although it seems like I haven’t had a proper birthday...

12:13 AM

I started reading this book as research for Jake and Jessica. Deliciois, tantalizing research. As you can see, I’m nearly halfway through and absolutely enjoying...

Currently Reading

On the recommendation of friend Charles. It has been advertised as being chock full of fat, ethnnic femme goodness.


It’s after one am. I have absolutely nothing to say. I haven’t had anything to say for two weeks. I’m ass deep in this new...

Don’t Eat This Stuff

It’s super gross. You know how some extremely artificial foods just taste like a pile of weird chemicals? This is like that, but not good....

Business Crying

Just had my quarterly melt-down, right on schedule. Tears and everything. For no earthly reason. Well.. except unbearable stress. — Marina Rose Martinez (@Marinaisgo) December...

I’m Back, Bitches!

There were no posts on Tuesday or Wednesday because my hosting company, Lunar Pages took a huge fat dump all over my face and tits....

Cinco de Stinko

Some Mexicans get annoyed that white people love Cinco de Mayo. That would be like the Irish getting mad that everybody celebrates St. Patrick’s Day....

No Response

I took a part time job to try and steady out my revenue stream pay my fucking bills. The idea is, this way I won’t...