So Long, Stinkcity!

One year ago today (or yesterday, from where you’re sitting) we left Los Angeles for Portland, Oregon: city of opportunity, land of dreams, way better place than shithole Los Angeles.

My dad flew down to help us drive the moving van back up.


He said he couldn’t leave the city without getting a sandwich at Piggies.




I was worried that it wouldn’t work out, that I’d move all the way up here and be unhappy. But I was already unhappy in LA, so I figured I might as well change something. And I’m really glad I did.

The last year has been a struggle. We’ve worked really hard to get a foothold here. I mistakenly set my original sites on the local market, which was a bad idea. Portland is saturated with freelancers, things turned up once I refocused nationally, and the Ghost Tour has made some really positive moves.

It’s an amazing gift to be able to wake up every day in a city that makes me happy. I don’t think I’ve ever felt that way before. It’s great.