Welcome to 18, You’re Already Fucked

This is one of the custom blogs I do for my Facebook friends. I asked

“I kind of want to blog about some event from my life (sexual firsts, most embarrassing, near death, drug experiences, feminist ah-ha moments, etc) but I’m having trouble picking. Facebook friends, which ones would you like?”

Paige asked “What about first experiences that can possibly encompass all of those topics and even more? Perhaps first experiences as an adult?”

I’m not really sure what my first experiences as an adult would be. Perhaps what happened to me on my 18th birthday? Honestly, it was nothing remarkable. I went to buy cigarettes at the shop behind my house instead of going across town where I usually bought them, proud to finally buy my first legal pack. The guy hardly even looked at my face. When I asked if he wanted to see my ID, he said “No, I know you.”

What a cunt. So I could have been buying cigarettes there all along? Lame.

Sorry for how useless this post was. Here is a terrible picture I’ve drawn.

A picture of a man with a batman mustache that says criminals were often unsettled by gerge's mustache

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