Since I Might Have Cancer…

I’m holding a Tombstone Writing Contest!

The winner of this contest will get to pull the plug if I get put on life support (in sunny Southern California!). And, less creepy: get to pick 5 each of my movies, CD’s and books after I’m dead.

And if you’re looking for some clarification on the cancer thing, It’s really unlikley because I’m so young, but since all of the women of my family die of cancer if they don’t choke to death or get hit by lightening, I’m pretty nervous and I’m using this tombstone writing contest to add some levity to an otherwise shitting-my-pants situation.

Here’s an Example:

**Edit** This is supposed to be funny, so anyone who thinks this is some sick pitty party, It’s not. I’m looking for a laugh.

myspace: ben
livejournal: melanie