I forgot to blog!

Anybody reading this after 7 a.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, the day of publication, would not notice that this post is coming 5 hours later than usual, which will probably be most of you, but I feel the need to confess. I got home at midnight last night, and it’s not like it’s the first time I got home at midnight, but I completely forgot I had to write this blog.

You guys know I don’t sleep well, but staying at grandma’s house has added another layer to my insomnia. Now I’m not sleeping because I’m in a strange bed in a strange place, but I’m also not sleeping because of the stress. Stress that is compounded by the fact that I feel limited in the scope of work I can accomplish up here on my old, slow laptop.

Monday and Tuesday I braved the hour and a half drive each way to and from the West Side, and thank God I don’t have to do it again today. I may have to do it again on Thursday, I’m waiting to hear back on something.

I think we go home on Friday, but I can’t remember.

I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off the last two days, and I don’t see that changing much. Even though I don’t have to drive across the city today, there’s still lots to do. I’ve already flooded grandma’s laundry room and it’s not even 7 a.m. yet.

This is all because Ben and I decided that we’d be super geniuses and pack only dirty clothes for grandma’s, since her washing machine is free. Well, we broke the damn washer, although I think her pump wore out. So it was coming, we just happened to be the lucky assholes who ran the damn thing for three days straight and I just happen to be the handywoman extraordinaire who looked at her drainage hose, realized that the pump was working against gravity, unhooked it and got water EVERYWHERE.

So at 6:30 this morning I was frantically pushing water outside with a mop while my dog, who does not like water, had a nervous breakdown and refused to move out of the way, lest she get her already wet paws even more wet.

This is her after a small hike we took yesterday.