Go Ask Alice When She’s Ten Feet Wide


Yesterday’s blog was so short because I had a massive allergy attack and that was basically all I could write before spending the rest of the night and most of the morning laying in my bed suffering and sneezing and being incredibly sad about life.

Then this evening, I went to a seminar on non-profit jobs, came home with the beginning of a migraine, and just barely got the Excedrin down in time for my traditional one full hour of drinking cold water in a hot shower to actually work as a migraine deterrent.

Then Ben and I ate everything in sight. And now it’s almost midnight, my head is still pretty foggy (I keep shouting things) and I’m here with all of you.

So… what’s up?


I obviously am in no shape to write anything coherent right now. And yes, I realize I spelled Excedrin wrong in that tweet. I was having a lot of other thoughts at the moment.

Mostly thoughts about chips, I’ll be honest.

No, this isn’t usually how I respond to headache medicine, but I am not good at having a migraine, and the medicine is only 80% working right now. The rest is the fog of whatever other neurological symptoms my migraine is giving me.

I’m not seeing halos, but it’s really fucking hard to type. That may also be a consequence of me staying up until 3 am to sneeze. My diaphragm hurts.

Some of this may well be stress induced. Do you ever just want so much stuff out of life that you’re like, I’d rather get hit by a car maybe?

This is turning maudlin. And my ability to keep a coherent stream of consciousness is failing rapidly.

I literally just typed the phrase “hot guys” into Imgur.

It all for you. You glorious, undulating click pixies.
