Black Lives Matter – Ferguson Update

So, remember when I said that it looked like things were looking up in Ferguson?

Not so much. What can I say about it that a thousand other, more qualified people can?

Excellent point. So, without further ado, three things other, more qualified people are saying:

A Movement Grows in Ferguson – This article explains the burning question in my heart, which was “why has Captain Johnson let all this go to shit so fast?” Which is, basically that his authority seems to have been symbolic all along. Governor Nixon and Police Chief Jackson seem to have done everything in their power to ensure that the unrest elevates to rioting.

12 things white people can do now because of Ferguson – The title makes it sound like the list includes “shooting unarmed black kids.” Fortunately, it focuses more on things white people can do to help after Ferguson.

An Uneasy Weekend in Ferguson – An account from Furgason that wasn’t written by the white press, bonus selections from social media.