This Is Where My “Magic Mike” Recap Will Go: Abs, Bitches!

But first!

If this guy:

The Vision

and this guy:


had a baby, he’d look like this guy:

Am I right, or am I right?

So here’s where the meat of this blog goes: Last night I went to see “Magic Mike” with my sweet boyfriend Ben, buddy Big Ben, Jonno, Jonno’s date, Kate, Melanie, Mary and Mary’s boyfriend Anthony and it was FUCKING HILARIOUS! Of the 9 of us, Big Ben was the most apprehensive about seeing the naked-torso-bad-dialogue-fest that is the feel good middle aged male stipper biopic of the summer. Yes, I said biopic. Apparently Channing Tatum pulled some amount of the script from his own experience as a stripper in his life before fame.

I know I call things the blah blah blah of the summer a lot, and that’s because I’m completely right about all of them.

Anyway, Big Ben actually had plans to go read in the lobby as soon as shit got too stupid, and not only did he stay the whole time, he said “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but that was actually quite funny.” Which is, like, the best compliment Big Ben has ever given to a comedy. Be in awe of this high praise, “Magic Mike!”

I laughed ten times more and 5 times harder in “Magic Mike” than I did in protofeminist gross-out comedy Bridesmaids. And I actually sort of liked Bridesmaids, but it’s just one of those movies that should have been an SNL sketch. Which would have been perfect, because I haven’t watched SNL since the summer before 8th grade.

Magic Mike, on the other hand, was a movie that could have been an SNL sketch, but really, really needed to be a movie. I was expecting to laugh in this film, what I didn’t expect was to laugh at intentional jokes in this film. It almost felt as if whoever edited “Magic Mike” got all the footage, was like “fuck it,” and went all MST3K on it’s ass. A majority of the humor is editorial in nature which makes it feel like you, the audience, is in on a joke that these well-oiled tools have no fucking clue they’re the butt of. That’s my favorite kind of joke: the one where hot people are too stupid to know it’s about them and in a bad way. What can I say, I was bullied in middle school and it’s caused me to be bitter and shallow.

Anyway, see “Magic Mike,” it’s a laugh riot. Also, a fair amount of well toned naked man flesh. Win Win.

Oh, and when you watch it, check out how Matthew McConaughey and Cody Horn do this thing where they lean back at a sort of unnatural angle that makes them look like the worm guys from Men in Black.

These pictures don’t really do any of them justice, but you’ll see what I’m talking about when you watch the movie. Which you totally should do.

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