Stop. Poster Time.

When I learned about the car situation, I immediately started thinking of what I could make that would be able to earn some quick cash in order to finance November. It’s no secret that the most popular post on this blog is the Female Masturbation Techniques. On it’s own, it accounts for roughly half of my traffic.

My first thought was to make that entire post into a poster and sell it. But as soon as I go to “slapping or patting the vulva or clitoral area,” I realized that maybe it’s Internet appeal wasn’t the sort of thing that could translate into a 20 by 26 full-color format.

Then I remembered my MASTURBATE shirt. Back when I was making shirts, one of the most popular ones was a white number with red sparkly letters across the front that said MASTURBATE. It’s simple, straightforward and just dirty enough to be fun without being entirely gross.


At first, I was going to make 20×30 posters, but I can’t afford the printing costs. So, I’m doing a limited run of hand-carved, 9×12 wood block prints in black ink.

Then if people like them, I can use the proceeds to do a larger poster run. The block prints will be first editions, numbered, rolled by hand by me. The prints will be union made, if they happen.

This is the process I’ll be using:

SALE! From now until Halloween, use the coupon code POORCAR to get 35% off any item in the store!
