I’m Back, Bitches!

There were no posts on Tuesday or Wednesday because my hosting company, Lunar Pages took a huge fat dump all over my face and tits.

I got an email from them on Thanksgiving day saying that my sites were getting too much traffic, and they recommended that I update WordPress. We dutifully updated WordPress and they blocked my IP. So you guys could see the site, but I couldn’t get on to edit or update it.

We asked them what was up, and two days later they wrote back that my site seemed fine to them. Except that the URL they mentioned as seeming fine wasn’t even mine.

Yesterday morning we wrote them back.

Tonight at 7 p.m. they wrote me back again that my actual url seemed fine.

Yeah, because we finalized the move to a new server, and the site you are seeing isn’t being hosted on effing stupid vomit cake Lunar Pages.

They made up a problem that wasn’t real, suggested a solution that created a problem, and then reported it solved after someone else fixed it.