I am the ladies room

I haven’t had the time, or frankly the emotional fortitude to read all this anti trans toilet law bullshit. But is there something in there about being able to press charges against some bathroom policing fuckstick if they get it wrong? Like, if someone is convinced that a cis gender person is in the “wrong”  bathroom and makes any attempt to prove their bigotry is at least legally valid, can they then be charged with assault when they attempt to force the issue with their victim?

Also,  how trans is trans? What about intersex people? Is this just a vagina vs penis thing? How vagina is vagina? How penis penis? What if I’m holding a dildo? 12 dildos. How many times can I hit a bathroom policer with a dildo before they themselves refuse to go to the bathroom in public for fear of the mad dildo avenger?

Important questions for our government officials.